Book List: Women’s Suffrage
In honor of the 100th Anniversary of the passing of the 19th Amendment, we’ve put together a list of books and DVDs from our collection about the Women’s Suffrage Movement.
One hundred years ago this year, after 75 YEARS of fighting…after hunger strikes, marches, arrests, and imprisonments…women won the right to vote at a dramatic showdown in Tennessee. It came down to one man’s vote. One man who CHANGED his vote, after receiving a letter from his mother.
Explore your inner suffragette: see scrapbooks, photos, sheet music for rally songs, memorabilia, and virtual exhibits; watch video clips; and read about the very long battle – all uphill! – for women to win the right to cast a vote with these additional resources:
The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Primary Documents in American History (Library of Congress)
19th Amendment: A Timeline of the Fight for All Women’s Right to Vote (The History Channel
Counting Down to the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment with #19SuffrageStories (Smithsonian)
Photo: Suffragettes hold a jubilee celebrating their victory after the passing of the 19th Amendment. (, Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)