June 2024 Staff Picks
Looking for a great summer read? Try one of our recent favorites!
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street is a blend of historical/mystery/fantasy fiction set in London in the 1880s. Mysterious events bring two character’s lives together in a very atmospheric story that will take you far away from the familiar. You’ll need an open mind and a willingness to feel lost in the London fog at times, and the story will be worth it.
The Noisy Puddle by Linda Sweeney
So relevant to the season. Love those frogs and turtles- just not the mosquitoes. 🙂
You’re Going to Love This Book by Jory John
This. Book. Has. Everything. A fun interactive style, a party of sentient sprouts, a kangaroo wearing blue cowboy boots…and everyone’s favorite things. These objectively perfect things include doing HOMEWORK, going to the DENTIST, and being told that RAISINS are “nature’s candy.” It is literally impossible not to enjoy this book. You can try if you want though.
Funny Story by Emily Henry
For those who didn’t enjoy Happy Place as much as her previous books, Funny Story is more like the Emily Henry we all fell in love with.