The Wonder Boy of Whistle Stop by Fannie Flagg
If you want an antidote to the cold, cruel world and long for community (and a nice meal out) read Fannie Flagg’s novels back-to-back. They’re separated by time but beat with one, large heart.
The Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley
A powerful and eye-opening account of what it was to be black in America in the first half of the 20th century. Sadly, it also shows how things haven’t changed as much as we would like to think or nearly as much as they need to. It was fascinating to see how Malcolm’s views and ideology evolved throughout his life and it leaves me wondering what he might have accomplished for his race and for this country if he hadn’t been silenced.

Katie the Catsitter by Colleen AF Venable, illustrated by Stephanie Yue.
Cats!!! There 217 of them to be precise. Katie is dreading the long summer ahead. Her best friend is off to the most amazing summer camp, leaving Katie behind to try to earn enough money doing odd jobs around her apartment complex to hopefully make her way to the blissful experience of s’mores and campfire songs. Enter Ms. Lang, possible super villain and owner of 217 VERY talented cats, who just so happens to require a cat sitter. Will Katie earn enough to make it to camp before the summer ends? Is Katie’s best friend slowly forgetting about her? Is Ms. Lang really who she says she is? Find out in this delightful new graphic novel series that is sure to be a hit. Some heroes have capes…Katie has cats.
Echo Mountain by Lauren Wolk
I love cheering on a single character amidst challenges around them. Ellie brought that feel-good feeling as she transitioned with her family to living in the Maine woods during the depression era. I feel like this book was written for adults as much as youngsters. I actually hugged the book at the end!