May Staff Picks

May 9, 2024 | Book Lists, News, Staff Picks

The days are getting longer, and that means more light to read with! Try one of our favorites. 


Lucky Turtle by Bill Roorbach

Cindra, a troubled teenager from Massachusetts and Lucky, a young man shrouded in mystery, cross paths at Camp Challenge, a residential facility for troubled teens located in the wilds of Montana.

Roorbach captures the spirit of the American west – the promise of new beginnings, the rough and tumble, the wildness – and does so in such a way that Montana becomes not just a backdrop, but a character in and of itself.

Lucky Turtle is a gorgeous and epic love story: of two kids from opposite ends of the county and of the wilds of Montana.



Saints of the Household by Ari Tison

Saints of the Household is a teen novel told in verse about two brothers finding their own separate paths after being involved in a mysterious fight in the woods with another student. As the boys find a way forward, we learn more about what led up to that day in the woods. Great characters that will stay with you. 


Horizon: Forbidden West by Guerilla Games

While not a book, Horizon Forbidden West is hands down the best Science-Fiction story I’ve experienced in years. 


Chain-Gang All-Stars by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah