(Nearly) Full Reopening June 1st!
Our gradual reopening here at York Public Library has become much less gradual, following Governor Mills’ announcement, which lifts many COVID-19 restrictions!
Masks are still required. As a public space that serves many children, we are still considering the best practice for mask requirements going forward. Until you hear otherwise, we will require masks inside the building to support children and families who are still at risk. We will continue to evaluate the need for masks.
Effective June 1, social distancing and capacity limits will be removed, our hours will increase, and once again, books may be donated at designated times (see “Book Nook Donations” below).
Tuesday 10 AM – 5 PM
Wednesday 10 AM – 7 PM
Thursday 10 AM – 5 PM
Friday 10 AM – 5 PM
Saturday 10 AM – 2 PM
PLEASE NOTE: The Library is currently hiring additional staff. Until we reach full staffing, some of our services and hours will be affected. We appreciate your patience as we fill the gaps in our staff.
BOOK NOOK DONATIONS. People may donate books only at designated times when volunteers are present: Wednesdays from 3 – 5 p.m. and Fridays 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Donations MUST be limited to two (2) grocery bags of books per person, and donations MUST be accepted by a YPL Book Nook volunteer. Items will be screened to ensure they fit within our guidelines (see below).
Book Nook Donation Guidelines (updated May, 2021)
The Library can accept books in GOOD CONDITION:
- Hardcover & paperback novels (printed 2015-present)
- Non-fiction on all topics (2018-present)
- Children’s books (2015-present)
- Classics in excellent condition
- Rare and/or unusual books in good condition
Anything that does not meet the above guidelines will be returned to you at the time of your donation. Please keep in mind that we are only able to accept books that can be sold in the YPL Book Nook as part of our ongoing book sale. As we will not be holding our Annual Book Sale in 2021, we are unable to store large quantities of donations. While we greatly appreciate your generosity and the thoughtfulness of the York community, we ask that you self-select in this process to help us out. Thank you!