S.T.E.A.M To Go!
Check it out! We now have S.T.E.A.M to Go activity bags available curbside when you pick up your books! The S.T.E.A.M (science, technology, engineering, art & math) bags contain one activity sheet, supplies to do the activity and are totally free (while supplies last)! If you need scissors or markers (which are not in the bag) to do your project let us know, and we will get some to you. Please note some of the bags may contain small parts and may not be suitable for children under 3. Some of the activities contain food items like crackers or cereal for sorting and are clearly marked if your child has a food allergy.
About Miss Lynn – Experienced teacher Lynn Adams shares her skills at facilitating S.T.E.A.M activities. A South Berwick mom and U of Rhode Island graduate student, Lynn has been doing her final requirement, a library internship, at the York Public Library. Her energy and enthusiasm has made it possible for us to offer special online videos and take home science projects. We’re so grateful she chose to share her skills with us.
Alphabet Addition
CD Top & Whirligig
Coat Hanger Catapult!
Constellation Viewer
Counting Crackers
Fizzy Surprise Eggs
Mobius Math
Straw Rockets
Tangram Tangle
Tasty Chex Mix Sets
More To Try!
Here are some more activities to try with either one of our S.T.E.A.M to Go bags or with common items you have around the house! Have fun. Full S.T.E.A.M ahead!
Click each link to download the activity sheet.
- Cereal Patterns
- Hide and Seek Numbers
- It’s a Gas
- LEGO challenge
- Mars Helicopter
- Math is Egg-citing
- Oobleck
- Pretzel Shapes
- Pretzel Stick Tricks
- Shiny Pennies
- Silly Putty
- Sunflower Seed Estimation
Looking for books? Check out these great book lists. Borrow some of these books with your library card to enhance your S.T.E.A.M project.
Looking for more? We also have crafts to go for younger children, and boredom buster activity bags for our young adult (5th – 12th grade) patrons. Ask for a bag to pick up curbside when you pick up your book order!