It’s time! The Annual Summer Reading Challenge at the York Public Library is upon us. This year’s theme, Reading Colors Your World, offers an opportunity to be bold, get creative and color outside the lines. While this decades-old York Public Library tradition is...
How to Bid in our Online Auction
When the Auction is live (Thursday, June 17 at 8AM through Friday, June 25 at 5PM), follow these instructions to bid on auction items. If you still have questions, please contact Jane Siviski, York Public Library Development and Marketing Coordinator, at 207-363-2818...
(Nearly) Full Reopening June 1st!
Our gradual reopening here at York Public Library has become much less gradual, following Governor Mills’ announcement, which lifts many COVID-19 restrictions! Masks are still required. As a public space that serves many children, we are still considering the best...
Shelf Life: Kick Off Summer with the Library’s 1st Annual Online Auction
by Barbara Chase, York Public Library Trustee These days, we are all searching for ways to support our York community, its people and the organizations that serve them. As midsummer arrives this June, you will have a great chance to do just that and to have lots of...
May 2021 Staff Picks
The May 2021 staff picks are here! We hope you find that next great read. Still need help finding a new book? Fill out our Custom Book Pick Form and we will choose some for you. Jeanine: Broken - In the Best Possible Way by Jenny Lawson Jenny Lawson suffers from...
Leaving The 100 Aker Wood (a Goodbye from Miss Kathleen)
by Kathleen Whalin, Children’s Librarian It’s nearly unfathomable but I have been working at the Library, writing these columns for twenty years. When I interviewed for the children’s librarian job, all those years ago, I told the hiring committee I was “looking for...
April 2021 Staff Picks
The April 2021 staff picks are here! We hope you find that next great read. Still need help finding a new book? Fill out our Custom Book Pick Form and we will choose some for you. Kathleen: Can't Wait to Get to Heaven by Fannie Flagg Nothing is a better spring tonic...
March 2021 Staff Picks
The March 2021 staff picks are here! We hope you find that next great read. Still need help finding a new book? Fill out our Custom Book Pick Form and we will choose some for you. Kathleen: Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg The...
February 2021 Staff Picks
Here are some of the books we love and we hope you might too! Please enjoy our February 2021 Staff Picks. Michele: Over the Shop by JonArno Lawson and illustrated by Qin Leng A wordless story about a little girl and her grandparent, trying to rent a run down...
York Public Library to Host Race and Equity Forum with Dustin Ward, Thursdays in February
York Public Library is pleased to present a Race and Equity Forum with Maine-based Racial Equity and Reconciliation Advocate Dustin Ward. The four-part series takes place online via Zoom on Thursdays in February, beginning February 4 from 6:30 - 8:00 PM. Each session...