Climate Change: Coastal Impacts and Resources

Brought to you by York Public Library, York Ready for Climate Action, and York Land Trust

Since 2021, York Public Library has worked with community partners to present educational talks about varying aspects of climate change. This year, we are delighted to continue our partnership with York Ready for Climate Action and York Land Trust. Online events will be recorded and linked below.

2025 Events

Blaine House

February 12

Sea Level Rise: Local and Regional Impacts

with Gulf of Maine Research Institue Scientist Hannah Baranes, Ph.D. 

Blaine House

February 26

Offshore Wind

with Dr. Habib Joseph Dagher the founding Executive Director of the University of Maine’s Advanced Structures and Composites Center (ASCC)

Blaine House

March 12

How to Speak Bird

with  Dan Gardoqui of Lead with Nature

Blaine House

March 16

Native Bird Stroll

with Center for Wildlife

Blaine House

March 26

Working Waterfront: Seafood Industry Adaptions

with Mike Sinclair of York Lobsterman’s Association and Mike Masi of shell+claw

Blaine House

April 9

Coastal Tourism and Sustainability

with Haven Hatch, C.O.O. of Crane Hotel Group 

and Rauni Kew, PR and Green Program Manager, Inn by the Sea

Blaine House

April 23

Helping Coastal Towns to Adapt to Climate Change

with Edge Venuti Maine Climate Council’s youth representative and Megan Mansfield-Pryor a Waste Management Climate Policy Advisor with the Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation and the Future

Completed Events

Click on an item for more information or to view the recorded sessions.

2024  |  Living in a Climate Changed World

Blaine House

February 28

Rethinking Climate Action

with author, educator, and environmentalist Bill McKibben

Blaine House

March 13

Rethinking Local Implementation

with Taylor Maguire of the Town of York planning office and Rep. Gerry Runte of Maine’s 146th House district

Blaine House

March 23

Climate Action Fair

with York Ready for Climate Action, York Public Library and the York Recycling Committee

Blaine House

March 27

Rethinking Nature and Recreation

with  Dan Gardoqui of Lead with Nature

Blaine House

April 10

Rethinking Housing

with Amber Harrison of York Community Services Association and Rozanna Patane of York Ready for Climate Action

Blaine House

April 27

Rethinking Your Local Landscape Guided Hike

with YLT stewardship staff

Blaine House

April 24

Rethinking Gardening

with Wild Seed Project and The York Land Trust

Blaine House

May 4

Invasive Plants Workday

with The York Land Trust Stewardship Team

Blaine House

May 8

Rethinking Consumerism & Celebration

with Habitat for Humanity ReStore Kennebunk, Marla Baldassare of We Fill Good, and Stella McShera of The Clothing Library

Blaine House

May 11

York Land Trust’s Spring Native Plant Sale 

with The York Land Trust

2023  |  The Climate Is Changing, and So Can You!

Nubble Lighthouse

February 8

So We Passed the Climate Action Plan…Now What?!

with Dylan Smith and/or DeCarlo Brown of the York Planning Department, and Mac McAbee and Rozanna Patane of York Ready for Climate Action


February 22

Weatherization and Heat Pump Heating Solutions

with Fred Weston of Stillwater Sustainable Homes, Brian Robinson of Evergreen Home Performance, and Eric Pelchat from Pettigrew HVAC.

Blaine House

March 8

Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

with Harry Mussman of York Ready for Climate Action and Molly Siegal from Efficiency Maine

Supplemental Materials:  On the Road to Driving EVsResources

Nubble Lighthouse

March 22

Rooftop and Community Solar Options

with Fred Weston of Stillwater Sustainable Homes and Chris Jones from Revision Energy.

Nubble Lighthouse

April 12

Efficiency Maine Residential Offerings

with Lily McVetty of Efficiency Maine


April 26

Climate Friendly Investing

with Rozanna Patane of York Ready for Climate Action and Christina Traurig from Cornerstone Financial Planning

Blaine House

May 10 

Climate Friendly Lawns and Gardens

with York Land Trust

Blaine House

May 24 

Food Systems and Sustainability Celebration 

with University of Maine Mitchell Center for Sustainability, York’s Department of Public Works, and Suzanne LePage, co-owner of the Sundrop Cafe and lecturer at WPI focusing on urban and environmental planning


2022   |   The Future Is Now: Talking about Climate Realities

Nubble Lighthouse

February 9

How Fishermen Have Adapted to Climate Change and How Fisheries are Changing

with Mike Sinclair of the York Lobstermen’s Association


February 23

Climate Politics of Europe

with Dr. Susana Hancock and the Camden Conference 

Blaine House

March 1

Update on Maine’s CAP: Maine Won’t Wait

with State Representative Lydia Blume and representatives from the Governor’s Office of Policy, Innovation, and the Future 

Tick Habitat

March 23

Planetary Health: the Connections between Climate Change, Wildlife Ecology, and Tickborne Diseases

with Dr. Meghan May of University of New England and Dr. Will Miller of Calvin University

Climate Change and Mental Health

March 29

Climate Courage and Mental Health

with Dr. Anne Hallward of Safe Space Radio

Cadillac Mountain

April 7

Indigenous Climate Justice: From Wabanaki Territory to the World

with Dr. Darren Ranco of the University of Maine


April 13

Climate Driven: A Look at Maine’s Response One County at a Time

with Maine Public Broadcasting Network

York Beach

May 11

So, What Exactly is the York Climate Action Plan (CAP)?

with Gerry Runte of the York Climate Act Plan Steering Committee

Get Involved

York Ready for Climate Action is a grassroots citizens’ organization dedicated to increasing the awareness of the causes and effects of climate change, and to advancing environmentally friendly and inclusive policies and behaviors.” We will be involved in mitigation strategies to help with the implementation of York’s new Climate Action Plan. We are delighted to have new volunteers join with us. There is much work to be done.


York EcoHOMES simplifies how residents can reduce their greenhouse gas emissions with one recommended action per month. 


WRAD, Waste Reduction and Diversion, is the sustainability committee of York Ready for Climate Action. It was an outgrowth of the successful campaigns to reduce plastic pollution by banning single-use carry-out plastic bags (2015) and polystyrene foam containers (2020).


York Land Trust and its members value the need for a healthy natural environment to ensure the social, economic and overall well-being of our community.


The York Recycling Committee is a town committee whose mission is to make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen that will make recycling as efficient, effective and economical as possible for York residents so that they may continue to be good stewards of the natural resources, beauty and property values of the town. Meetings are open and minutes are available to the public.  
For more information email <>