The Future Is Now: Talking About Climate Realities
York Public Library together with the Town of York’s Climate Action Plan Steering Committee will launch four months of programming related to climate change beginning in February. The series, The Future Is Now: Talking about Climate Realities is made possible in part by additional support from the Camden Conference and the Maine Humanities Council.
The series will explore issues related to climate change, both close to home and further afield. Through online programs held over Zoom, panelists will discuss issues ranging from local fishing impacts and Lyme disease to Indigenous Climate Justice and structural calls to actions across the state and the world.
Speakers include Mike Sinclair of the York Lobstermen’s Association; Arctic climate researcher Dr. Susana Hancock; State Representative and chair of the Legislatures Coastal and Climate Action caucus Lydia Blume; University of New England Professor of Biomedical Sciences Dr. Meghan May with Calvin University Assistant Professor of Biology (Wildlife and Disease Ecology) Dr. Will Miller; Dr. Anne Hallward of Safe Space Radio; University of Maine Associate Professor of Anthropology and Coordinator of Native American Research Dr. Darren Ranco; the Maine Public Broadcasting Network; Director UNE North – Institute of North Atlantic Studies Dr. Holly Parker, The York Land Trust, and Chair of the York Climate Action Plan Steering Committee Gerry Runte.
Most programs are held on Wednesday evenings with a few exceptions; registration is required for each event. Please visit for a list of programs and links to register.