Government and Voting

Learn about local and state government and read up on important voting information.

Voter's Resources

Maine Voter Registration

Instructions for completing the Maine Voter Registration Application

After completing and signing the voter registration application, voters are encouraged to mail it or deliver it directly to the Municipal Clerk or Registrar of Voters in the municipality where they live, to avoid delays in processing.

Absentee Ballot Request Request your absentee ballot using the state’s online system.

Accessible Voting Learn more about ExpressVote, the state’s accessible voting system for voters with diverse abilities.

Find Your Municipal Clerk Use this online search tool to find the contact information for Municipal Clerks in Maine.

Find Your Polling Place & Hours Find election related information based on your home address. This information includes the location of your voting place, the candidates that will appear on your ballot, and your elected officials and how to contact them.

Guide to Voter Registration – A comprehensive guide to voting in Maine. The guide covers voter eligibility, how to register and voter’s rights.


Current Election Information

State and National Elections Learn more about upcoming elections, important dates, and the candidates. This resource also features a pdf application to register to vote.

Town of York Website Access the Town Clerk’s page for information about upcoming local elections, referendum items, and election results.

Local and State Resources - tax forms, government links

Maine State Portal  A direct link to the website home page.

Maine State Tax Forms  View and print a variety of tax forms and general forms made available online by the Department of Administrative and Financial Services.

My Representative Find out who your representatives are in Congress and have your voice heard using the online tool Fiscal Note.

Town of York Flood Information Flood information as it pertains to York. Links to the FEMA Map Service Center where you may view the Flood Insurace Rate Maps, as well as information about the Flood Insurance Program.

Federal Resources

Federal Tax Forms & IRS Information File a return, get refund status information, correct a return, pay your taxes or ask for help.

US Department of Energy’s Fuel Economy Page A comprehensive page on fuel economy put forth by the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. It contains information explaining fuel economy, how to improve it, and a guide published annually listing the fuel efficiency of many vehicles by their class. 

Government Agency Manual Browse the current and archived copies of the The United States Government Manual , the official handbook of the Federal Government. The manual  provides information on the agencies of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches. It also includes information on quasi-official agencies; international organizations in which the United States participates; and boards, commissions, and committees. 

Government Legislation – The official portal to help individuals stay informed of current legislation. Search for bills by keyword, watch the video archive, and learn more about the current members of Congress.



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